New School

The Bestic Trust is delighted to spearhead the development of a new sustainable school for Uplyme.

Since opening in 1854  thousands of children have passed through the Trust and the gates of Mrs Ethelston’s school. The Trust, set in the heart of the village of Uplyme for over 170 years, has served the community well, supporting the delivery of outstanding education. 

The Story So Far

Wishing to continue to support education in Uplyme and recognising the growing pupil numbers and changing curriculum, in 2008 the Bestic Trust and Mrs Ethelston's school governors commissioned an independent review of the current school.

Unsurprisingly, the review found that the current school on Pound Lane could no longer meet the standard required to deliver the curriculum and any future development of the current site to meet these needs would be impossible.

The outside play and learning area is very restricted and there is no hall; meals have to be eaten in classrooms and shortage of space causes significant operational problems. With growing numbers and ever demanding curriculum this is only going to get worse.

Pupil Numbers

On average there have been 185 pupils attending the existing school for the last decade. Currently, there are more than 194 on roll. 

Applying modern capacity criteria to the existing school footprint it would most likely be considered suitable to educate approximately 90 children on the site. Educating the current volume of children is only possible by adopting a split site ethos, utilising spaces such as the church, village hall, and the new school site external to the current school premesis.

 School place provision requirements are determined by predicted birth rates which forecast a trend of declining needs across the South West. 

Local experience has contradicted this for some time and the pattern of growth has continued post-pandemic and the school has the potential to grow further given additional capacity..

The Vision

This project is an exciting opportunity to address many of the wider issues of the current school, support the community and safeguard primary education in Uplyme for generations to come. Our vision is to unlock the potential of Uplyme and to enable the school to provide outstanding education in the 21st century and beyond.

The new school will: 

The Site

Responding to the findings of the education review, Uplyme Parish Plan and Neighbourhood plan, in 2013 the Bestic Trust acquired the site next to Uplyme village hall, having obtained outline planning permission for a new school.  

The Proposal

Teaching practices have changed since Mrs Ethelston's was built with more emphasis on a variety of teaching and learning styles.

The proposal creates an imaginative and flexible school both inside and out. Each classroom will have direct access to a partially covered outdoor classroom area, and a vibrant outdoor area that can be used throughout the year for playing and learning.

Engaging with  NetZero, one of the countries leading sustainable school designers and manufacturers the proposal is to build a new purpose built school that supports learning for generations to come.

The proposal includes:

Video includes virtual walk through of the new school.

Share our vision

The project itself provides the opportunity to enhance the curriculum taught in school today, not only securing the legacy of 1854 but creating an environment that will nurture and inspire children to develop a love for learning that stays throughout their lives.

Already we are seeing subject areas are be developed to align with the construction process, and used to inspire teaching of the arts and environmental study. The children are already using the site to examine ecology and learn how to garden. Forest school operates there during the holidays and there are plans to run more events to engage the wider community. 

100% Education 0% Carbon

As part of the initial design brief, environmental credentials were of high priority. The resulting building has been designed to consume as little energy as possible whilst generating as much as possible from a clean, renewable source - 100% education 0% carbon.

Timeline to opening

Detailed planning permission has already been granted, and, subject to funding and building regulation approval it is our aim to start developing the site in 2024.

Raising the funds to build

Initial estimates for the project indicate that a fully equipped school will cost in the region of £6M. 

We have secured sufficient funding to commence the development of exterior areas of the site. This includes the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and additional car parking spaces, aimed at reducing congestion around the current school building. 

Additionally we have also partnered with an ethical funder with a view to securing match funding any monies we raise. 

We are now seeking  national organisations and trusts, sponsors, private benefactors and members of the community to suport the school build.

" As education changes we too must evolve to continue the legacy given to Uplyme by the Reverend Ethelston over 160 years ago. The facilities the new school will provide are exceptional, not only in terms of education provision but also sport and recreational activities and it is these things in combination that will support pupils in the whole development of their mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing."

Martin Whitehead - Chair of Trustees